After revealing the facts behind FX Solution (FxSol) and AVAFX- the two brokerage firms- and after showing the fact that they are brought to the light by FPA, or especially by Felix, there is another mystery to come.Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions (FxSol) and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions (FxSol), we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions (FxSol) is the brother in law of the Bastards' Master, Felix or Hoffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.
On the other hand, AVAFX Owned and managed by the old forex guru, David Cohen, born in Russia in 1928, migrated to Israel in 1948, then found his way to USA and wall street in the early 60s. David Cohen is an icon in the financial world even though many do not agree on his some what brutal methods of making money. Cohen has built and burned many brokerage companies in the last decades, and some of those burned companies have caused huge losses to his clients. He was one of he key player of the famous refco disaster. (read more about refco here)
Cohen has been very careful about photographing, and very few pictures are available about him. He has also been moving around the world with no announced particular address.
Moreover, there sags from darkness this mystery to become instead a fact.He is holding large shares in FxSolutions (FxSol) and fully owns AVAFX which is a registered company on BVI (British Virgin Island) which is considered a paradise for taxes and money hiding from authorities in regulated countries.
Cohen is the mentor of many forex foxes; some of them have been doing extremely well.
An example, his fellow Russian Dimitry (Felix) and many others.
Back to avafx, given the fact that the deposits of AVAFX go directly to Cyprus, another money heaven for those running from law and
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