Last night’s sold-out film screening at NYU drew a number of Forex traders who are complaining.
One of them was about to cry!!.
I received last night an email from a trader as I think saying:
As a trader , your blog affected my strategy in trading to become RISK Without Fear, really touched me deeply.

I think that it is important for Traders who are scammed by ForexPeaceArmy to know the truth and understand the purpose of those bastards. Traders need to know that instead of receiving wrong signals and non-real news about brokers from forexpeacearmy, they can and should handle the truth.

ForexPeaceArmy Community consists of some writers like Rob Grespi, technical analysts like Peter Bain, Educators like Felix (Dimitry), Investigator like Kan Zhong, secretary like Yuliya (Girl Friend of Felix).

Of course, our critics are loud and legion. ForexPeaceArmy insist that all brokers are scam, all signal providers are scam, all money managers are scam, all education providers are scam and if there any traders or any one post good reviews aboout any broker they say that this one work for him. So?

I'm Going to contact Traders, Brokers, Money Managers, Introducing Brokers, Education Providers, Signals Providers and any one has a relation with Forex Market. Then I will ask them to tell me their reviews about ForexPeaceArmy.
"Let's make weekly Analysis about those bastards and
see the comments from others about them......"
see the comments from others about them......"
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