With Felix, even Money Forex becomes a SCAM. What a pity! Felix has been thought of as having the Oedipus complex but applied to Forex brokers. For he desires to kill all brokers for his desire for the market to be his own without any other partner, like Oedipus who killed his father to have his mother only for himself !

There in FPA's created committee, for making scam cases, Felix has created another story in his series concerned with Money Forex broker. FPA scam investigations committee has supported a story against Money Forex, claiming that a member of FPA called Edforex has been scammed by Money Forex. But again another fake name for an imaginable character and may be, a cartoon one. Edforex complained to FPA accusing his broker, Money Forex, of stealing his money by suspending his account because, according to him and FPA, he has made large profits of $100,000. But for Money Forex, they justified their suspension that Edforex has vaiolated their leveraged policy after he has been upgraded to a platinum account, whose leverage is set at 50:1, he still trading at his previous normal leverage which is 200:1. And thus, becoming suspended and is prevented from logging to his account.
As usual, FPA comes as the saviour and traders' angel and began in helping the so called victim of Money Forex, and guess what? One of FPA committee member, Tessa, made her calls and investigations with the broker and there was no response! And hence, FPA comes with their final role to claim that Money Forex is totally scam and advise traders to keep away from it,
"We strongly recommend traders not to do business with this company. We recommend withdrawing any funds and closing account you may have with them. We recommend against opening any new accounts with them."

In reviewing FPA review about Money Forex, there we found them nominating it as a SCAM, and also about 5 members reviewing it as a scam while about 3 others reviewing it as good if not among the best. Terrible!!! All the members that wrote on this thread have posted only one post!! why when I open any scam investigation in ForexPeaceArmy I see that?
The Normal Brain will say that 90% are fake members, just to make it hot and to show attention and attraction but in reality all of them are fake characters as Pharaoh. 100% Non of them is real trader and the proof is that if a real one posted something he or she will return again to reply it and share opinion. What a contradictory reviews full of strange claims without any single evidence like that of Edforex. Claiming that something bad is so simple, but to prove it isn't that easy. And because FPA don't have the proofs or documents to prove their sayings, it is hard to gather supporters around them, and so they make the posts by themselves to make it seem as they wish.
However, this is clear in the comments made on Money Forex scam case, for all at once believe and support the case. Besides, all comments are made in two days in sequence. One of the impressive comments there is that of Pharaoh where he wrote:
"Wow! Someone beat me to the helpful advice. Good job guys.
I'm not sure of MetaQuotes would really try to restrict sales to the worst brokers. I've read they have server side add-ins to help brokers cheat clients by manipulating slippage and requotes. Still, I guess it couldn't hurt to ask.
I can't condemn 100% of offshore brokers, but Craigmalm and Damir are right that you should be very careful with that sort of broker. A licensed, regulated broker can also rip you off, but it's less common."
As you know Pharaoh is the prisoner Robert Grespi that all the world call him the criminal as you see him always behind another name which is Pharaoh. I feel that he is a friad to show or to give his real name and I noticed that in many topics related to his contributions.
He is trying to build bad reputation for the MetaQuotes by saying that they have server side add-ins to help brokers cheat clients by manipulating slippage and requotes.
It's very popular between all forex traders that they are reviewing the charts between more than on Forex Broker and downloading more than platform to see the differences in the charts. Always for me and others we find that the difference is between 4 to 10 pips only and that is because the differences in the spreads between brokers.
Actually I don't know why Robert Grespi (Rob Grespi) is trying to kill trading principles. I think these days are not suffecient for such Idiots from FPA and it's servents. The market is full of gaps and unbelivable volume of losses in online forex trading.
The idiot is then saying "I guess it couldn't hurt to ask" without any kind of respect, without any kind of appreciating, without any kind of understanding and without ethical style of writing.

I hope that this Robert learn how to talk about "MetaQuotes", also I think that Robert made millions of Pips from using Meta Trader 4 as he said before and as Felix Homogratus saying in wpips.com ;)
MoneyForex, Poltekfx, Saxo Bank, FXCM, FxPro, ForexGen, Interbankfx, AC-Markets,......etc are online brokerage firms and that is right. Did any of them persuade traders to fund or to open an account? I think No and for sure No. All of them are online and have websites, Bank Accounts and a platform and the trader has the freedom of opinion to choose one of them.
Read the Terms Of Services OR the Trading Agreement before searching about this broker in NFA OR FSA. NON of them will return for you the money in the SCAM Case.
when Forex peace Army write anti posts for the brokers there will be battle between the broker and the traders that are helping FPA.
I want to say that everything is online and not hidden behind another name like Pharaoh character, and all traders should read carefully the TOS before opening accounts to make sure from the terms that are listed that will keep thier rights in safe hands.
Felix Homogratus, Pharaoh, Robert Grespi, Dmitri Chavkerov, Damir, Tahir, Codezilla, craigmalm, Rashid, DesertRabbit and thousands of names, all of them should have a brand called "SCAMPEDIA" "Made In FPA".
We are investigating now with poltekfx and ForexGen to see what is the secret of this rumors that ForexPeaceArmy made to them.
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